Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The inner workings of a kitten

Hello whole wide world! I figured this would be the perfect place to get some release, and you would be the perfect person to talk to. Being a kitten and spending most of my life inside a small two bedroom apartment (one room I'm not even allowed in), it's hard to find anyone who understands me. I get kind of lonely and I only have a few friends. So my hopes are to find more friends and relieve some stress through journal writing.
To tell you more about myself: I'm about 18 months old, I'm black on top and white on bottom, I love to stay clean, but I still stink sometimes. My favorite past time is napping, but eating is a close second. The best way to nap is while cuddling, so I make that a habit. Sometimes I watch tv, and I listen to whatever music Crystal (my roomate) listens to. I talk a lot and purr even more than that. I get really frisky at night and like to wake up Crystal when she least expects it.
So that's a pretty good overall about me. I better go for now because I still have to bathe myself before I take my nap.
Can't wait to talk to you again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lala is right! Do whatever you gotta do to relieve that stress. If you find a place that gives kitty massages GO FOR IT!

December 9, 2004 at 2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dallas, this is your roomie. FYI- YOU'RE A FREAK!

December 9, 2004 at 9:46 PM  

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